Chicken Broth
Traditional broth, seasoned with herbs and garlic
Servings Prep Time
1litre 10minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
1litre 10minutes
Cook Time
  1. Put the chicken carcasses including any bones and skin into a large pot and add cold water to completely submerge the chicken
  2. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to barely simmering. Skim off any foam that comes to the surface, as it builds up, for about 15 minutes
  3. Add the remaining ingredients and let simmer gently without lid for at least 2 hours
  4. Remove all solids by straining the stock through a fine-mesh sieve and discard. Use a ladle to press on the solids to extract as much as possible
  5. Reduce until 1 liter remains
Recipe Notes

Let the stock cool completely before freezing. Will last a week in fridge, and several months in freezer

Freezing in large ice cube trays is very convenient

Two chicken carcasses is roughly 1 kg or twp pounds

You can save raw bones in the freezer until you have stored up enough